About us.  Who are we?  How did we get started in this business?I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosby
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About Us

Call for information about flights in Seattle May-September
(800) 734-3588

Our Founder

Our company founder is Daniel Kunkel. Ever since high school, Daniel has had a fascination with flying. While still in high school, he took Ground School, but was unable to afford flight instruction. (Who could in high school?) But after finishing college, he did get his private pilot's license.

In 2009, a friend of his decided he was going to buy a plane. That's when Daniel got hit with the flying bug again, Big Time! After looking into different planes, he decided to purchase a Grob Motorglider and offer glider rides to the public. He also uses his motorglider to take aerial photography which he sells. You can see and purchase his photography at Canvas-Pics.com.


About us.  Who are we?  How did we get started in this business?
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Our Pilots

Daniel has teamed up with experienced, licensed, FAA certified pilots to offer glider rides to the public. Each pilot had been flying planes and gliders for many years and is fully FAA qualified to give commercial glider rides.


Where Are We Located?

We are currently flying out of the Arlington Municipal Airport in Arlington, Washington.

We fly in the Seattle/Puget Sound area during the good weather, usually early summer to early fall. When the weather in Seattle starts to get wet, we follow the sun south.


Contact Us

14150 NE 20th St, Suite F1-121
Bellevue, WA 98007

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(800) 734-3588

If no one answers, please leave a message. We are probably out flying!


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